College of Psychic Studies

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College of Psychic Studies

A British organization continuing the work of the London Spiritualist Alliance, originally established in 1884. The organization was renamed the College of Psychic Science in 1955 and assumed its present name in 1970. It should not be confused with the British College of Psychic Science, which flourished from 1920 to 1947.

The College of Psychic Studies, an educational charity situated in London, offers facilities to both experienced investigators and the general public for research and intelligent discussion in the field of psychical phenomena, with particular emphasis on the evidence for survival after death and for communication from the dead. The college is also concerned with the relationship of psychic studies to philosophical and scientific opinion.

The college maintains a library of some 6,000 volumes on all aspects of psychical science, Spiritualism, and related topics and organizes lectures and psychological counseling. The college currently publishes a triannual magazine, LIGHT, which was founded in 1881. Address: 16 Queensberry Pl., South Kensington, London, SW7 2EB England. Website:


College of Psychic Studies. March 8, 2000.

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