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Ancient deities of inferior rankone of whom it was believed was attached to each mortal from his birth as a constant companioncapable of giving impulses and acting as a sort of messenger between the gods and men. The cacodaemons were of a hostile nature, as opposed to the agathodaemon s, who were friendly. It is said that one of the cacodaemons who appeared to Cassius was a man of huge stature and of a black hue. Early astrologers named the twelfth house of the sun Cacodemon, as its influence was regarded as evil.

It is said that the cacodaemons were the rebellious angels who were expelled from heaven for their crimes. They tried in vain to obtain settlement in various parts of the universe, with their final abode believed to be all the space between Earth and the stars. There they abide, hated by all the elements and finding their pleasure in revenge and injury. Their king was called Hades by the Greeks, Typhon by the Egyptians, and Ahrimanes by the Persians and Chaldeans.


Kendrick, Tertius T. C. The Kako-daemon or The Cavern of Anti-Paros. London, 1825.

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