Biosophical Institute

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Biosophical Institute

Founded in the 1940s by Dr. Frederick Kettner to promote his system of biosophy. He defined biosophy (from the words bios, meaning life, and sophia, meaning intelligence) as "the science and art of intelligent living based on the awareness and practice of spiritual values, ethical-social principles and character qualities essential to individual freedom and social harmony." In his booklet, The Need for a Thousand Year Plan (1948), Kettner acknowledged the part played by the human mind in creating civilization but stated, "Humanity's next problem is to realize the creativity of the heart of man." Through biosophy he hoped to create a world-fellowship of peace-loving men and women who have overcome religious, national, racial, and social prejudices and who would work creatively for the growth of democracy and world peace.

Biosophy groups were founded in various U.S. cities and in South and Central America, Europe, Australia, and India. Kettner counted Albert Einstein, Pierre leComte du Nouy, Have-lock Ellis, and Lal Sharma among his supporters. No sign of institute activity has been observed in recent years.