Ungerfeld, Moshe

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UNGERFELD, MOSHE (1898–1983), Hebrew literary critic. Born in Galicia, Ungerfeld was active in the Zionist and Hebrew movement in Vienna, where he was also a teacher and journalist. He emigrated to Palestine in 1938 and from the following year served as director of the Bialik House in Tel Aviv.

He contributed articles and book reviews to many Hebrew and Yiddish periodicals. Ungerfeld wrote literary essays for the Hebrew press, concentrating on material from the Bialik archives. He published Vinah (1946), Ḥ.N. Bialik vi-Yeẓirotav (1960), a bibliography of Bialik's works, and Ketavim Genuzim shel Bialik (1971), as well as a collection of essays Orot u-Ẓelalim (1977) and Hogim and Meshorerim (1974).

[Getzel Kressel]