Ungewitter, Georg Gottlob

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Ungewitter, Georg Gottlob (1820–64). German architect, a pioneer of the Gothic Revival in his homeland. In 1842 he established a practice in Hamburg, where his domestic architecture was influenced by Chateauneuf, but in 1845 he became convinced that Gothic could be applied to all building-types, and his attitudes to structure and use of materials drew on arguments advocated by A. W. N. Pugin and Viollet-le-Duc. He was also interested in German timber-framed construction. His publications, including Entwürfe zu Stadt-und Landhäusern (Projects for Town and Country Houses—1858–64), Lehrbuch der gotischen Konstruction (Textbook of Gothic Construction—1859–64), Sammlung mittelalterlicher Ornamentik in geschichtlicher und systematischer Anordnung (Collection of Medieval Ornamentation in Historical and Systematic Arrangement—1866), and works on medieval town-and country-houses (1889–90) were influential. His Gotisches Musterbuch (Gothic Pattern Book—1856—with Vincenz Statz (1818–98)) appeared in an English edition in 1858 and a French edition was published 1855–6. He designed churches at Neustadt, Marburg (1859–64), Bockenheim, Frankfurt-am-Main (1862), and elsewhere in Germany, and his studies of German timber-framed buildings were published posthumously as folios in Berlin (1889–90).


Giedion (1972);
S. Muthesius (1974);
Reichensperger (1866);
Schuchard (1979);
Jane Turner (1979);