Senator, David Werner

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SENATOR, DAVID WERNER (1896–1953), Zionist administrator. Born in Berlin, Senator was active in various social welfare bodies in Germany and was secretary-general of the European Office of the *American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Berlin from 1925 to 1930. He joined the Jerusalem Executive of the *Jewish Agency as a "non-Zionist" member from 1930 to 1935 and served as treasurer and later head of the Immigration Department and the Department of Settlement of German Jews. Senator then returned to Europe and directed the Central Committee for Aid and Reconstruction of the Reich Representation of German Jews (Zentralausschuss fuer Hilfe und Aufbau der Reichsvertretung). A moderate on the Jewish Agency Executive, he resigned in 1935 as a result of his opposition to the "activist" policy of the Jewish Agency. He became an administrator of the Hebrew University and was the executive vice president of the university from 1949 until his death. Senator supported a policy of Jewish-Arab rapprochement through his membership in *Berit Shalom. He died in Atlanta, Georgia, while on a tour of European and American universities.


Tidhar, 7 (1956), 2909–10.

[Kurt Loewenstein]