Friedmann, David Aryeh

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FRIEDMANN, DAVID ARYEH (1889–1957), Hebrew critic and editor. After studying medicine at Moscow University, he emigrated in 1925 to Palestine, where he was a practicing ophthalmologist and active member of the medical association. Friedmann wrote many articles in the Hebrew press on medicine, literature, and the arts, most of which were published posthumously in two volumes: Iyyunei Shirah (1964), and Iyyunei Prozah (1966). He was an editor of Ayanot Publishing Co. as well as of En Hakore (1923); he also edited the Medical Association's journal, Ha-Refu'ah, from 1929.


B. Shmueli, Maḥberet ha-Ayinin (bibliography of works by Dr. D.A. Friedmann, 1912–42, 280 items); idem, in: Ha-Refu'ah, 39 no. 1 (1950), 13 (summary as well as comprehensive appreciation by Y.L. Roke'aḥ); Hadoar (Sept. 20, 1957).

[Getzel Kressel]