Florus of Lyons

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Carolingian author; b. probably Spain, late 8th century; d. Lyons, France, 860. In Lyons c. 800, he was the most important cultural figure in the school founded there by leidradus. Nearly all the official acts of the See of Lyons under Bishops Leidradus (798814), agobard (814840), Amulo (840852), and remigius (852875) were performed under his influence or direction, even though they do not bear his signature. His role in the dispute between amalarius of Metz and gottschalk of orbais was important, but his writings were more often concerned with the liturgy, exegesis, and Canon Law. The Liber de imaginibus of PseudoAgobard attributed to him is by claudius of turin, also from the school of Lyons. Most of Florus's works are of a collective nature, but their importance lies in what he selected. His works include: a compilation from 12 fathers of the church on the Epistles of St. Paul (in MS), an Expositio missae (ed. P. Duc, Belley 1937), an edition of the Martyrology, sentences of St. augustine on predestination and grace, works against Amalarius, who had usurped the See of Lyons (Patrologia Latina 119:7296), a treatise against john scotus eriugena (Patrologia Latina 119:102250), three treatises against Gottschalk, and a collection of canons of Troyes (in MS), from which have been published a De electione episcoporum and a De lege et canone.

Bibliography: Works. Patrologia Latina, ed. j. p. migne (Paris 187890) 119:9422; 121:10831134. Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Poetae (Berlin 1826) 2:509566. Literature. m. manitius Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters (Munich 191131) 1:560567. f. stegmÜller Repertorium biblicum medii aevi (Madrid 194961) 2:227491. a. wilmart, "Sommaire de l'exposition de Florus sur les épîtres," Revue Bénedictine 38 (1926) 205216; "La Collection de Bède le Vénérable sur l'apôre," ibid. 1652; "Une Lettre sans adresse écrite vers le milieu du IXe siècle," ibid. 42 (1930) 149162. c. charlier, "Les Manuscrits personnels de Florus de Lyon et son activité littéraire," Mélanges E. Podechard (Lyon 1945) 7184; "La Compilation augustinienne de Florus sur l'apôtre: Sources et authenticité," Revue Bénedictine 57 (1947) 132186. i. fransen, "Les Commentaires de Bède et de Florus sur l'apôtre et saint Césaire d'Arles," ibid. 65 (1955) 262266. j. m. hanssens, Amalarii episcopi opera liturgica omnia, 3 v. Studi e Testi 138140; 194850), "Introductio," 1:39224, passim. p. bellet, "El Liber de imaginibus sanctorum bajo el nombre de Agobardo de Lyon obra de Claudio de Turín," Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia 26 (1953) 151194. h. quentin, Les Martyrologes historiques du moyen âge (Paris 1908). j. szÖvÉrffy, Die Annalen der lateinischen Hymnendichtung. Ein Handbuch (Berlin 196465) l:232235.

[p. bellet]