Fineshriber, William Howard

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FINESHRIBER, WILLIAM HOWARD (1878–1968), U.S. Reform rabbi. Fineshriber was born in St. Louis, Missouri. After ordination from Hebrew Union College in 1900, he was rabbi in Davenport, Iowa, for 11 years, and then served in Memphis, Tennessee, for 13 years. In 1924 Fineshriber was called to Philadelphia as rabbi of Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel and became rabbi emeritus in 1949. Fineshriber served on various community and government committees and was active in the American Council for Judaism, among other organizations.


J. Jacobson, A Man Who Walked Humbly with God: 50 Years in the Rabbinate with W.H. Fineshriber (1950).

[Abram Vossen Goodman]