Cafasso, Joseph, St.

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Moral theologian, preacher, and spiritual director; b. Castelnuovo d'Asti, Piedmont, Italy, Jan. 15, 1811; d. Turin, Italy, June 23, 1860. Born of peasant stock, he entered the diocesan seminary at Chieri and became a priest in 1833. After ordination he studied at the Institute of St. Francis in Turin, which had been founded somewhat earlier by Luigi Guala for the education of young priests. Guala's teaching was strongly influenced by the doctrine of St. alphonsus liguori and was aimed at combating the continuing jansenist tendencies in northern Italy. Cafasso learned from his master well, and the same orientation characterized all his later work. After completing his studies, he became lecturer in moral theology at the institute, and upon Guala's death in 1848, he was made rector. Thereafter he labored for the intellectual and moral improvement of the young clergy from various dioceses and left his influence upon innumerable spiritual protégés. One of these was St. John bosco, whose spiritual progress Cafasso guided and whose vocation for the education of boys Cafasso aided and encouraged. His work also extended to tireless efforts among the laity, preaching, conducting retreats, hearing confessions, and giving spiritual direction. He was particularly noted for his concern and care for those imprisoned or condemned to death. His writings include Meditazioni e instruzioni al clero (Turin 1892). He was beatified in 1925 and canonized in 1947.

Feast: June 23.

Bibliography: l. mugnai, S. Giuseppe Cafasso, prete torinese (Siena 1972). n. di robilant, Vita del ven. G. Cafasso, 2 v. (Turin 1912). b. c. salotti, La perla del clero italiano (3d ed. Turin 1947). a. butler, The Lives of the Saints, ed. h. thurston and d. attwater (New York 1956) 2:628631.

[j. c. willke]