Arcimboldi, Giovannangelo

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Archbishop of Milan and papal nuncio to the Scandinavian countries; b. in Milan, 1485; d. there, April 6, 1555. After traveling in the Low Lands and Germany, he purchased (for 1,100 guldens) the right to preach in Scandinavia the indulgence for the building of St. Peters. When he arrived in Denmark in 1516, he was well received by King Christian II. Two years later Arcimboldi went to Sweden to preach, and while there he associated and sympathized with those forces plotting rebellion against Denmark. He even negotiated with Sten Sture on behalf of Pope leo x, implying papal sympathy with the rebel cause. Christian II, who believed the papal nuncio was working on his behalf in Sweden, was furious upon learning the contrary. He immediately confiscated all of the property and money Arcimboldi had left in Denmark and imprisoned his brother and servants. The nuncio fled to Lübeck, from whence he was recalled by leo x as soon as news of his activities reached Rome. However, the damage was done, and Christian II invited Lutheran theologians to the Danish courtthus paving the way for the conversion of Scandinavia to lutheranism. In 1522 Arcimboldi was sent to Spain to meet the pope-elect, adrianvi. In 1526 he was named bishop of Novara by clement vii. In 1550 he became archbishop of Milan.

Bibliography: e. santovito, g. m. mazzuchelli, Gli scrittori d'Italia, 2 v. (Brescia 175363). c. m. butler, The Reformation in Sweden (New York 1883). j. lenzenweger, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner, 10 v. (2d, new ed. Freiburg 195765). l. pastor, The History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages (London-St. Louis 193861) 1:827828.

[j. g. gallaher]

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