Stott, John Robert Walmsley

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STOTT, John Robert Walmsley

STOTT, John Robert Walmsley. British, b. 1921. Genres: Theology/ Religion. Career: Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church, London, 1975- (Curate, 1945-50, Rector, 1950-75). President, London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, 1986- (Director, 1982-86). Ordained Minister, 1945-; conducted missions in the Univs. of Cambridge, Oxford, and in Canada, US, Australia, South, East and West Africa, and South-East Asia, 1952-; Extra Chaplain to H.M. the Queen, 1991-; Hon. Chaplain to H.M. the Queen, 1959-91. Publications: Men with a Message, in US as Basic Introduction to the New Testament, 1954, rev. ed., 1994; Basic Christianity, 1958; Your Confirmation, 1958; What Christ Thinks of the Church, 1958, rev. ed., 1990; The Preacher's Portrait, 1961; The Epistles of John, 1964, rev. ed., 1988; The Canticles and Selected Psalms, 1966; Men Made New, 1966; The Message of Galatians, 1968; One People, 1969; Christ the Controversial- ist, 1970; Understanding the Bible, 1972; The Message of 2 Timothy, 1973; Balanced Christianity, 1975; Christian Mission in the Modern World, 1975; Baptism and Fullness, 1975; The Lausanne Covenant, 1975; The Message of the Sermon on the Mount, 1978; Focus on Christ, 1979; The Message of Ephesians, 1979; I Believe in Preaching, in US as Between Two Worlds, 1982; The Bible Book for Today, 1982; Issues Facing Christians Today, 1984, rev. ed. in US as Major Issues for a New Century, 1999; The Authentic Jesus, 1985; The Cross of Christ, 1986; (co-author) Essentials, 1988; The Message of Acts, 1990; The Message of Thessalonians, 1991; The Contemporary Christian, 1992; The Message of Romans, 1994; The Message of 1 Timothy & Titus, 1996; Authentic Christianity (anthology), compiled by Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith, 1996; Evangelical Truth, 1999; The Birds Our Teachers, 1999; The Incomparable Christ, 2001; Calling Christian Lead- ers, 2002; People My Teachers, 2002; Why I Am a Christian, 2003. Address: 12 Weymouth St, London W1W 5BY, England.

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