
views updated May 29 2018

frit·il·lar·y / ˈfritlˌerē/ • n. 1. a Eurasian plant (genus Fritillaria) of the lily family, with hanging bell-like flowers. 2. a butterfly (Argynnis, Speyeria, and other genera, family Nymphalidae) with orange-brown wings that are checkered with black, including the North American great spangled fritillary (S. cybele).


views updated May 14 2018

fritillary plant of the genus Fritillaria XVII; spotted butterfly XIX. — modL. fritillāria, f. L. fritillus dice-box, presumably applied to the chessboard; so named in ref. to the markings of the corolla. Cf. -ARY.


views updated May 17 2018

fritillary Common name for several genera of butterflies including large fritillaries (silverspots) of the genus Speyeria and small fritillaries of the genus Boloria. The larvae (caterpillars) are largely nocturnal. Family Nymphalidae.