
views updated Jun 11 2018

clin·ic / ˈklinik/ • n. 1. a place or hospital department where outpatients are given medical treatment or advice, esp. of a specialist nature: a mental health clinic. ∎  an occasion or time when such treatment or advice is given: we're now holding regular clinics. ∎  a gathering at a hospital bedside for the teaching of medicine or surgery.2. a conference or short course on a particular subject: a ski clinic.


views updated May 23 2018

clinic adj. pert. to the sick-bed XVII; sb. bedridden person XVII; private or specialized hospital XIX. — L. clīnicus — Gr. klīnikós, f. klī́nē bed; see -IC.
So clinical XVIII.


views updated May 29 2018

clinic (klin-ik) n.
1. an establishment or department of a hospital devoted to the treatment of particular diseases or the medical care of out-patients.

2. a gathering of instructors, students, and patients, usually in a hospital ward, for the examination and treatment of the patients.

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