
views updated Jun 08 2018

con·se·crate / ˈkänsiˌkrāt/ • v. [tr.] (usu be consecrated) make or declare (something, typically a church) sacred; dedicate formally to a religious or divine purpose: the present Holy Trinity church was consecrated in 1845 | [as adj.] (consecrated) consecrated ground. ∎  (in Christian belief) make (bread or wine) into the body or blood of Christ: [as adj.] (consecrated) the consecrated wine. ∎  ordain (someone) to a sacred office, typically that of bishop: in 1969 he was consecrated bishop of Northern Uganda. ∎ inf. devote (something) exclusively to a particular purpose.DERIVATIVES: con·se·cra·tion / ˌkänsiˈkrāshən/ n.con·se·cra·tor / -ˌkrātər/ n.con·se·cra·to·ry / -krəˌtôrē/ adj.


views updated May 21 2018

consecrate devote to a sacred purpose XV; dedicate XVI; make sacred XVII. f. (after †consecrate pp. XIV) L. consecrāre, -āt-, f. CON- (intensive) + sacrāre dedicate, f. sacer, sacr- SACRED; see -ATE 3.
So consecration XIV. — (O)F. or L.