Basaldúa, Hector (1895–1976)

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Basaldúa, Hector (1895–1976)

Hector Basaldúa (b. 29 September 1895; d. 21 February 1976), Argentine painter, printmaker, stage designer, and illustrator. Basaldúa was born in Pergamino, Buenos Aires Province. In 1914 he studied in the capital city at the private academy of the Italian artist Bolognini, and later at the National Academy of Fine Arts under Pío Collivadino. Between 1923 and 1930 he studied in Paris under Charles Guérin, André Lothe, and Othon Friesz. Basaldúa received a gold medal for stage design at the Paris International Exhibition, in 1937, and first prize for painting at the Argentine National Salon of Plastic Arts. He visited the United States to study theater techniques in 1946, and was the designer of opera and ballet sets at the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires. In 1980 the National Museum of Fine Arts, in Buenos Aires, held a retrospective of his works. A quick perception of reality and an unerring feeling for decorative effect are basic to Basaldúa's work. His activity as a stage designer and book illustrator gave to his work an artificial tone related to rapidly captured images.

See alsoArt: The Twentieth Century; Theater.


Museum of Modern Art in Latin America (1985).

Vicente Gesualdo, Aldo Viglione, and Rodolfo Santos, Diccionario de artistas plásticos en la Argentina (1988).

                              Amalia Cortina Aravena

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