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hur·ry / ˈhərē; ˈhə-rē/ • v. (-ries, -ried) [intr.] move or act with haste; rush: we'd better hurry servants hurried around. ∎  [often in imper.] (hurry up) do something more quickly: hurry up and finish your meal. ∎  [tr.] cause to move or proceed with haste: she hurried him across the landing. ∎  [tr.] (often be hurried) do or finish (something) quickly, typically too quickly: formalities were hurried over | [as adj.] (hurried) I ate a hurried breakfast. • n. great haste: in my hurry to leave, I knocked over a pile of books. ∎  a need for haste; urgency: there's no hurry to get back relax, what's the hurry?PHRASES: in a hurry rushed; in a rushed manner: the city offers fast food if you're in a hurry. ∎  eager to get a thing done quickly: no one seemed in a hurry for the results. ∎  inf. easily; readily: an experience you won't forget in a hurry.DERIVATIVES: hur·ried·ly adv.hur·ried·ness n.

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