
views updated May 29 2018

Ha·sid / khäˈsēd; ˈkhäsid; ˈhäsid/ (also Cha·sid, Chas·sid, or Has·sid) • n. (pl. Ha·si·dim / ˌkhäsēˈdēm; häˈsēdim/ ) 1. a member of a strictly orthodox Jewish sect in Palestine in the 3rd and 2nd centuries bc that opposed Hellenizing influences on their faith and supported the Maccabean revolt.2. an adherent of Hasidism.DERIVATIVES: Ha·sid·ic / khäˈsedik; häsēdik/ adj.


views updated May 29 2018

Hasid a member of a strictly orthodox Jewish sect in Palestine in the 3rd and 2nd centuries bc which opposed Hellenizing influences on their faith and supported the Maccabean revolt. The name comes from Hebrew ḥāsīḏ ‘pious’.

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