
views updated Jun 27 2018

fund / fənd/ • n. a sum of money saved or made available for a particular purpose: he had set up a fund to coordinate economic investment. ∎  (funds) financial resources: the misuse of public funds. ∎  a large stock or supply of something: a vast fund of information. ∎  (the funds) Brit. the stock of the national debt (as a mode of investment). ∎  an organization set up for the administration and management of a monetary fund.• v. [tr.] provide with money for a particular purpose: the World Bank refused to fund the project | [in comb.] government-funded research. PHRASES: in funds Brit. having money to spend.


views updated May 23 2018

A. †bottom, foundation, basis;

B. source of supply; stock of money. XVII. refash. of †fond after L. fundus BOTTOM, piece of land, farm, estate, which is the ult. source of F. fond bottom, basis, and fonds stock; Eng. fond and fund were used XVII indifferently in both these senses.
Hence vb. XVIII.


views updated May 18 2018


A comprehensive term for any money that is set aside for a particular purpose or that is accessible for the satisfaction of debts or claims.

The term public funds is a colloquial label for the revenue of a government, state, or municipal corporation.

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