
views updated May 18 2018

af·fair / əˈfe(ə)r/ • n. 1. an event or sequence of events of a specified kind or that has previously been referred to: the board admitted responsibility for the affair. ∎  a matter that is a particular person's concern or responsibility: what you do in your spare time is your affair. ∎  (affairs) matters of public interest and importance: commissions were created to advise on foreign affairs. ∎  (affairs) business and financial dealings: his time was spent in winding up his affairs. ∎  inf. an object of a particular type: her dress was a black low-cut affair.2. a love affair: his wife is having an affair.


views updated Jun 08 2018

affair XIII. ME. afer(e), affer(e) — OF. afaire, afere (mod. affaire), f. phr. à faire to do. Cf. ADO, TO-DO.