Linlithgow, Victor Alexander John Hope, 2nd Marquis

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Linlithgow, Victor Alexander John Hope, 2nd Marquis (1887–1952). Linlithgow was born in Scotland and educated at Eton. He was a member of the Conservative Party who served at the Admiralty under Baldwin. His connection with India developed through his chairmanship of the Royal Commission on Agriculture in India (1926–8) and the Select Committee on Indian Constitutional Reform (1930–2). He was appointed viceroy of India in 1936. His period in office witnessed the growth of mass support for the Indian National Congress, the withdrawal of Congress co-operation for the Second World War, and the Quit India movement of 1942. An unbending imperialist without sympathy for the Indian national cause, he exacerbated rather than eased political tensions and showed a strong preference for repression over negotiation. His harsh response to the Quit India movement helped to spread guerrilla resistance to British rule, which harmed the war effort against Japan. He resigned in 1943.

David Anthony Washbrook

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