Ash Meadows Ivesia

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Ash Meadows Ivesia

Ivesia kingii var. eremica

ListedMay 20, 1985
FamilyRosaceae (Rose)
DescriptionLow-growing perennial with a tangle of textured leaves.
HabitatAsh Meadows saline seeps.
ThreatsWater diversion, road construction.


Ivesia kingii var. eremica (Ash Meadows ivesia) is a low-growing perennial with a tangle of rope-like, textured leaves emerging from a woody root crown. The plant bears very few flowers; petals measure about 0.3 in (0.7 cm) long.


This ivesia grows in highly alkaline, clay depressions where nearby springs and seeps keep soil moisture high.


Much of the surviving population of the ivesia is within the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge. Other populations are scattered throughout the range where undisturbed habitat remains. There are no current population estimates.


The Ash Meadows ivesia is threatened by habitat drying because of excessive direct use or diversion of groundwater for irrigation. Much of its habitat has been degraded by trampling by off-road vehicles, livestock, and wild horses.

Conservation and Recovery

Critical Habitat for Ash Meadows ivesia has been designated to comprise 880 acres (356 hectares) in Nye County, Nevada. Forty-five percent of known Ash Meadows ivesia populations grow on the refuge.


U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Regional Office, Division of Endangered Species
Eastside Federal Building
911 N. E. 11th Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97232-4181
Telephone: (503) 231-6121


Mozingo, H. N., and M. Williams. 1980. "Threatened and Endangered Plants of Nevada." U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1990. "Recovery Plan for the Endangered and Threatened Species of Ash Meadows, Nevada." U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, Oregon.