Appearances, Deceiving

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30. Appearances, Deceiving (See also Illusion.)

  1. Baldwin, George good lawyer having affair with clients wife. [Am. Lit.: The Manhattan Transfer ]
  2. Clinker, Humphry admirable character concealed by shabby exterior. [Br. Lit.: Humphry Clinker ]
  3. Cory, Richard man with everything commits suicide. [Am. Lit.: Richard Cory in Hart, 711]
  4. daffodil beautiful, but narcotic. [Plant Symbolism: Flora Symbolica, 168]
  5. Gray, Dorian his portrait becomes the record of his life. [Br. Lit.: The Picture of Dorian Gray ]
  6. Little Buttercup apparently dumpy woman , once young and charming. [Br. Opera: H.M.S. Pinafore ]
  7. Phaedra pretends unkindness to Hippolytus to hide her passion for him. [Fr. Drama: Phaedra, Magill I, 741742]
  8. Sawyer, Tom hoodwinks friends into white-washing fence by pretending chore is a reward, not a punishment. [Am. Lit.: Tom Sawyer ]
  9. Tchitchikoff swindler-adventurer, outwardly a philanthropist. [Russ. Lit.: Dead Souls ]
  10. Valancourt his gambling not a vice but attempt to secure money to aid friends. [Br. Lit.: The Mysteries of Udolpho, Magill I, 635638]
  11. Venuss-flytrap lures insects with sweet odor. [Flower Symbol-ism: Flora Symbolica, 178]