
views updated May 11 2018

saccharine sugary. XVII. f. medL. saccharum SUGAR + -INE1.
So saccharin (also -ine) sweet substance obtained from coal tar XIX. — G. Hence saccharimeter polariscope for testing sugars. XIX. — F. saccharimètre. saccharometer hydrometer for testing the amount of sugar. XVIII. f. saccharo- comb. form of Gr. sákkharon SUGAR.


views updated May 14 2018

sac·cha·rine / ˈsak(ə)rin; -rēn; -rīn/ • adj. excessively sweet or sentimental.• n. another term for saccharin.


views updated May 23 2018

saccharine (sak-er-een) n. a sweetening agent. Saccharine is 400 times as sweet as sugar and has no energy content. It is very useful as a sweetener in diabetic and low-calorie foods.