Sobel, Jordan Howard 1929-

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SOBEL, Jordan Howard 1929-

PERSONAL: Born September 22, 1929, in Chicago, IL; son of George and Gertrude (Barmash) Sobel; married Willa Fowler Freeman, March 29, 1963 (died September 22, 1998); children: Grace Anne Gertrude Sobel Fraser (deceased). Education: University of Illinois, B.S., 1951; University of Iowa, M.A., 1954; University of Michigan, Ph.D. (philosophy), 1961. Religion: Jewish.

ADDRESSES: Home—103 Colonel Danforth Trail, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1C 1P8. Offıce—c/o Division of Humanities, University of Toronto at Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1C 1A4. E-mail—[email protected].

CAREER: Monteith College, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, assistant professor of philosophy, 1960-61; Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, instructor in philosophy, 1961-63; University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, assistant professor of philosophy, 1963-69; University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, associate professor, 1969-76, professor, 1976-95, professor emeritus of philosophy, 1995—. University of Massachusetts—Amherst, visiting associate professor of philosophy, 1968-69; University of Uppsala, visiting professor, 1986, 1991, 1997-98, 1999, 2000, 2001, research fellow at Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, 1997-98, 1999; Dalhousie University, visiting professor, 1988; University of St. Andrews, research fellow at Centre for Philosophy and Public Affairs, 1992; University of Umeå, visiting professor, 1995; lecturer at colleges and universities in Canada, the United States, and abroad, including University of Pittsburgh, State University of New York—Stony Brook, College of Wooster, and Syracuse University. Military service: U.S. Air Force, 1951-53; became captain.

MEMBER: American Philosophical Association, Canadian Philosophical Association.


Taking Chances: Essays on Rational Choice, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1994.

Puzzles for the Will: Fatalism, Newcomb and Samarra, Determinism and Omniscience, University of Toronto Press (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), 1998.

Logic and Theism: Arguments for and Against Beliefs in God, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 2003.

Contributor to books, including Essays in Ethical Theory, 2nd edition, edited by W. Sellars and J. Hospers, Appleton-Century-Crofts (New York, NY), 1970; Paradoxes of Rationality and Cooperation: Prisoner's Dilemma and Newcomb's Problem, edited by R. Campbell and L. Sowden, University of British Columbia Press (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada), 1985; Risk, Decision, and Rationality, edited by B. R. Munier, D. Reidel (Dordrecht, Netherlands), 1988; "Midwest Studies in Philosophy," Volume 15: The Philosophy of the Human Sciences, edited by P. A. French, T. E. Uehling, Jr., and H. K. Wettstein, University of Notre Dame Press (Notre Dame, IN), 1990; and Knowledge, Belief, and Strategic Interaction, edited by C. Bicchieri, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge, England), 1992. Contributor of articles and reviews to periodicals, including Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy of Science, Theory and Decision, Teaching Philosophy, Synthese, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Philosophical Review, Inquiry, and Theoria.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Good and Gold: Metaethics from Moore through Mackie; Words and Symbols: Proofs and Invalidations; No Light Matter: Plato and Socrates on Justice; Means and Ends: Aristotle on Happiness and Virtue; Walls and Vaults: David Hume's Natural Science of Morals; The Mystery and the Glory: Immanuel Kant's Philosophy of Morals; research on philosophy of religion, ethics, logic, games, and decisions.



Jordan Howard Sobel Web page, (June 30, 2003).

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