Jaeger, August (Johannes)

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Jaeger, August (Johannes) (b Düsseldorf, 1860; d London, 1909). Ger. musician who settled in Eng. in 1878, working for printer of maps in the Strand, London. Joined staff of mus. publishers, Novello, in 1890, becoming head of publishing office. Was responsible for seeing works by Novello composers into print, especially those by Elgar, whose greatness he recognized. Became intimate friend of Elgar, their correspondence having since been pubd. Immortalized in Elgar's Enigma Variations as ‘Nimrod’ (Nimrod in the Bible was a hunter; Jäger = hunter in Ger.). To say, as is sometimes committed to print, that he was ‘Elgar's publisher’ is inaccurate.