Etler, Alvin

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Etler, Alvin (b Battle Creek, Iowa, 1913; d Northampton, Mass., 1973). Amer. composer and oboist. Oboist, Indianapolis SO 1938–40. On faculty of Yale Univ. Sch. of Mus. 1942–6, Cornell Univ. 1946–7, Univ. of Illinois 1947–9, and Smith Coll. 1949–73. From 1968 chairman, Hampshire Coll. elec. workshop. Works incl. sym., 2 str. qts.; 2 wind quintets; conc. for orch.; conc. for vn. and wind quintet; conc. for wind quintet and orch.; brass quintet; conc. for str. qt. and orch.; etc.