Camden Festival

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Camden Festival. Annual festival founded in 1954 as the St Pancras Festival (renamed 1965). Special feature was production of operas then outside standard repertory, e.g. Haydn's Il mondo della luna (1960), and L'infedeltà delusa (1964), Verdi's Un giorno di regno (1961), Mozart's Lucio Silla (1967), Donizetti's Torquato Tasso (1975), Delius's Koanga (1972), Fennimore and Gerda (1979) and Margot-la-Rouge (1984). Concert perfs. were given of Strauss's Feuersnot (1978), Walton's Troilus and Cressida (1982), Shostakovich's Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (1984), Strauss's Friedenstag (1985), Mozart's La finta semplice (1985) and La finta giardiniera (1986), and Weill's Protagonist (1986) and Der Silbersee (1987). Discontinued after 1987.