Rinzler, Carol Ann

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RINZLER, Carol Ann

RINZLER, Carol Ann. American. Genres: Food and Wine, Medicine/ Health, Self help, How-to books. Career: Writer. Publications: The Book of Chocolate, 1977; Cosmetics: What the Ads Don't Tell You, 1977; The Signet Book of Yogurt, 1978; The Consumer's Brand Name Guide to Household Products, 1979; The Dictionary of Medical Folklore, 1980; Strictly Female: An Evaluation of Brand Name Health and Hygiene Products for Women, 1981; The Children's Medicine Chest, 1984; The Safe Pregnancy Book, 1984; What to Use Instead: A Handbook of Practical Substitutes, 1987; The Complete Book of Food: A Nutritional, Medical and Culinary Guide, 1987; The Complete Book of Herbs, Spices, and Condiments, 1990; Are You at Risk?, 1991; Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever, 1991; Estrogen and Breast Cancer, a Warning to Women, 1993; The Women's Health Products Handbook, 1997; Nutrition for Dummies, 1997. Address: Phyllis Westberg, Harold Ober Associates, Inc, 425 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.