Meron, Theodor

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MERON, Theodor

MERON, Theodor. American (born Poland), b. 1930. Genres: Civil liberties/Human rights, Law. Career: New York University, New York City, Charles L. Denison Professor of International Law, 1977-; Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, professor, 1991-; UN War Crimes Tribunal, The Hague, judge, 2001-. American Journal of International Law, co-editor in chief. Publications: Investment Insurance in International Law, 1976; The United Nations Secretariat: The Rules and the Practice, 1977; (ed.) Human Rights in International Law: Legal and Policy Issues, 2 vols, 1984; Human Rights Law-Making in the United Nations: A Critique of Instruments and Process, 1986; Human Rights in Internal Strife: Their International Protection, 1987; Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms as Customary Law, 1989. Henry's Wars and Shakespeare's Laws 1993; Bloody Constraint: Law and Chivalry in Shakespeare, 1998; War Crimes Law Comes of Age, 1998. Contributor to law journals. Address: 37 Washington Sq W No 9C, New York, NY 10011, U.S.A.