Animal Factory

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Animal Factory ★★½ 2000 (R)

When first-time felon Ron Decker (Furlong) is sentenced to two years in a decaying prison, he is introduced to a world where violence is a way of life. After witnessing a riot, Ron is taken under the wing of Earl Copen (Dafoe), the main-man on the cellblock, but the younger man soon discovers that life in prison is not about rehabilitation, it's about survival. Bunker wrote the screenplay based on his novel of the same name. 94m/C VHS, DVD . Edward (Eddie) Bunker, Willem Dafoe, Edward Furlong, Danny Trejo, John Heard, Mickey Rourke, Tom Arnold, Mark Boone Jr., Steve Buscemi, Seymour Cassel; D: Steve Buscemi; W: Edward (Eddie) Bunker, John Steppling; C: Phil Parmet; M: John Lurie.