Miller, Bebe (1950–)

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Miller, Bebe (1950–)

American dancer and choreographer. Born Beryl Adele Miller, Sept 20, 1950, in New York, NY; studied with Murray Louis at Henry Street Settlement, 1954–62; Earlham College, BA, 1971; trained at Nikolais Dance Theater Lab, 1972–73; Ohio State University, MA in dance, 1975.

Performed with Nina Wiener Company (1976–82) and toured with Dana Reitz Co. (1983); presented 1st choreography Tune (1978); known for including socio-political content in her creative works, founded Bebe Miller Co. (1984); was 1st American choreographer to work in South Africa after fall of apartheid; received 2 New York Dance and Performance (Bessie) awards (1986–87) and American Choreographer Award (1988). Major choreographies include the olo Spending Time Doing Things (1985); the trilogy of Hell Dances (1987–88), The Hendrix Project (1991) and Cantos Gordos (1994); the multimedia performance Drummin': The Rhythms of Miami (1997); and Going to the Wall (1998).

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Miller, Bebe (1950–)

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