Arsinde (fl. 934–957)

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Arsinde (fl. 934–957)

French countess and ruler. Born in Carcasonne (southwestern France); died in 957 in Carcasonne; daughter of Acfred II, count of Carcasonne; married Arnaud de Comminges; children: at least one surviving son, Roger (later Roger I of Carcasonne).

Arsinde was born into the ruling feudal house of Carcasonne, in what is now southwestern France. Her father, Acfred II, died in 934. There being no surviving sons, his title and lands passed to Arsinde, his eldest daughter. In the 10th century, Carcasonne was nominally under the dominion of the French royal house; in reality, however, its rulers were generally free to govern as they wished. Thus, Arsinde held complete control of her homeland as countess. She married a local noble, Arnaud de Comminges, and gave birth to at least one son, Roger. Roger succeeded his mother as Roger I, when Arsinde died after 23 years of rule.

Laura York , Anza, California

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