Findhorn Community

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Findhorn Community

Early New Age center in northern Scotland. The New Age movement began with the linking (networking) of a number of theosophical/metaphysical centers across the United Kingdom in the 1960s. All of these communities were in sympathy with the theosophical ancient wisdom tradition but were also involved in channeling, either channeling spiritual energy to the world or channeling messages from various spiritual entities, or both. Eileen and Peter Caddy and a friend, Dorothy McLean, had settled at a small trailer court near the village of Findhorn outside Inverness, Scotland, during a period of financial lack. Through 1963 and 1964 they survived in part by gardening. During this period Eileen Caddy regularly channeled messages from what were believed to be nature spirits, or devas, and when their advice was followed the garden blossomed abundantly.

In 1965 Peter Caddy attended a meeting of other spiritual group leaders organized by George Trevelyan, later the founder of the Wrekin Trust. The visit with Trevelyan became a catalyst for the formal organization of the Findhorn Community, which was to become an object of pilgrimage. Its fame was generated by the extraordinary results of the garden, which was producing growth out of season and spectacularly large vegetables, in spite of the harsh climate. The garden became the visible focus of the paranormal and miraculous claims that grew up around the small but growing community. Caddy's channeled messages were published in a small volume, God Spoke to Me, and McLean, who had begun to channel, also published her messages.

The Findhorn Trust was created in 1971 and the Findhorn Foundation incorporated in 1972. In the 1970s an American student of the Alice Bailey literature, David Spangler, joined the community and developed its education program. Spangler's 1976 book, Revelation: the Birth of a New Age, became the early manifesto of both Findhorn and the New Age movement. Drawing on channeled messages received by himself and others at Findhorn, he declared that a New Age was beginning. It was already evident in the vast scientific advances and technological improvements that so separated twentieth-century humanity from previous generations. According to Spangler, in the last half of the twentieth century, in part owing to astrological realignments, new cosmic spiritual energies were available that could bring humanity into contact with the masters of the Great White Brotherhood and initiate a new era of light and love, the New Age.

Spangler returned to the United States, as did McLean, and initiated the movement in North America. As the movement became known through the 1970s, Findhorn was seen as a major source of inspiration and a popular site to visit. The community grew to include around 250 resident members. In 1975 the nearby Clung Hotel was purchased to accommodate conferences and other activities. Peter Caddy moved to the United States in 1982, and although Eileen Caddy remained at Find-horn, leadership was increasingly passed to the community as a whole. Members have developed a diversified program of educational activities for the burgeoning New Age community and the general public. Peter Caddy died February 18, 1994. Address: The Park, Forres, Moray IV36 0TZ Scotland.


Caddy, Eileen. The Dawn of Change. Forres, Scotland: Find-horn Publications, 1979.

Findhorn Community. Faces of Findhorn. Forres, Scotland: Findhorn Publications, 1980.

Hawken, Pauul. The Magic of Findhorn. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.

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