Hittorp, Melchior

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Liturgist; b. Cologne, c. 1525; d. Cologne, 1584. He contributed to the preservation of the faith of the people of Cologne by publishing an edition of the writings of various medieval liturgists and an ancient Roman Ordinal, De Divinis Catholicae Ecclesiae Officiis ac Ministeriis (Cologne 1568). This Ordinal, as M. Andrieu has shown, is a part of the Romano-German Pontifical compiled at Mainz about 950, which formed the basis for our modern Roman Pontifical. This entire edition is still the most complete collection of medieval liturgists.

Bibliography: Allgemeine deutsche Biographie (Leipzig 18751910) 12:507. a. franzen, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner, 10 v. (2d, new ed. Freiburg 195765) 5:394395. m. andrieu, "Melchior Hittorp et l'Ordo Romanus Antiquus, " Ephemerides liturgicae 46 (1932) 321. m. andrieu, Les "Ordines Romani" du haut moyen-âge, 5 v. (Louvain 193161) 1:494525.

[b. neunheuser]