Grynberg, Berl

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GRYNBERG, BERL (1906–1961), Yiddish writer. Grynberg grew up in Warsaw and emigrated to Argentina in 1923. He worked in Cordoba and Buenos Aires as a printer and, for decades, as linotypist for the Yiddish daily Di Prese, where his earliest stories appeared, arousing critical attention with their original combination of realistic and romantic characteristics. The stories often begin with actual happenings but soon become mystical and symbolic. The themes, landscapes, and characters of his six narrative volumes are both Argentinean and Jewish: Morgnvint ("Morning Wind," 1934), Di Eybike Vokh ("The Eternal Week," 1938), Blut un Vayn ("Blood and Wine," 1944), Dos Bloe Shifele ("The Blue Boat," 1948), Libshaft ("Love," 1952), Dos Goldene Feygele ("The Golden Bird," 1948). He was profoundly influenced by Sholem Asch and David Bergelson. He committed suicide in 1961.


lnyl 2 (1958), 393–4; S. Bickel, Shrayber fun Mayn Dor (1965), 377–80. add. bibliography: Y. Horn, in: Bay Zikh, 13/14 (1979), 167–70.

[M. Rav /

Tamar Lewinsky (2nd ed.)]