Collius, Francesco (Collio)

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Theologian; b. Milan, exact date not known; d. Milan, 1640. He entered the Milanese congregation of the Oblates of St. Charles, and later served as grand penitentiary for the diocese of Milan. Three authentic works are ascribed to him: Conclusiones in sacra theologia numero MCLXV una cum variorum doctorum opinionibus (Milan 1609), De sanguine Christi libri quinque in quibus de illius natura, effusionibus ac miraculis copiose disseritur (Cologne 1612; Milan 1617), and the De animabus paganorum (Milan 1622). The last work manifests the author's preoccupation with the problem of whether the souls of well-known Biblical and pagan personages of antiquity have attained salvation.

Bibliography: b. heurtebize, Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, ed. a. vacant et al. (Paris 190350) 3.1:369.

[g. m. grabka]