Bernulf, St.

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Known also as Bernhold, Bennon, and Bernold; bishop of Utrecht; d. July 13, 1054. The opinion that Bernulf's appointment to his see was the result of strife over electing a successor to Adelboldus and of an accidental meeting with conrad ii is probably groundless. Conrad always appointed the bishops, choosing imperial officials who continued to work for him even after consecration. Bernulf's friendship with Henry III resulted in notable gifts of land to his diocese (e.g., March 1040; Sept. 1042; May 22 and Aug. 23, 1046). He devoted himself energetically to the work of reform, participating in synods, building churches, and renewing monastic vigor even at the expense of reducing the privileges of his see over the monastery of Hohorst. His body lies in St. Peter's church in Utrecht. He is patron of the Netherlands' guild for Christian art (estab. 1870).

Feast: July 19.

Bibliography: Acta Sanctorum June 4:654656. s. muller and a. c. bouman, Oorkondenboek van het sticht Utrecht tot 1301, v.1 (Utrecht 1921) 173193, 231, 302. g. j. lieftinck, "De herkomst van Bischofs van Utrecht," Jaarboeke van "Oud-Utrecht" (Utrecht 1949) 2340; Bisschop Bernold en zijn geschenken aan de Ultrechtse kerken (Groningen 1948). g. bÖing, Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, ed. j. hofer and k. rahner (Freiburg 195765) 2:260. p. polman, Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques, ed. a. baudrillart et al. (Paris 1912) 8:856857.

[r. balch]