
Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Amru al-Kais

Amru al-Kais (äm´rōō äl-kīs), fl. 6th cent., Arabic poet. His verse, like much of the poetry of the pre-Islamic period, is intensely subjective and stylistically perfect. He was esteemed by Arabs as the great model for erotic poetry. He is thought to have lived in high favor with the imperial court at Constantinople. Amru al-Kais' work is represented in the Muallaqat. His name is also spelled Imru al-Kais.


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press

Imru al-Kais

Imru al-Kais: see Amru al-Kais.
