
views updated May 21 2018

op·po·site / ˈäpəzit/ • adj. 1. having a position on the other or further side of something; facing something, esp. something of the same type: a crowd gathered on the opposite side of the street. ∎  facing the speaker or a specified person or thing: he went into the store opposite. ∎  Bot. (of leaves or shoots) arising in opposed pairs, one on each side of the stem.2. diametrically different; of a contrary kind: a word that is opposite in meaning to another currents flowing in opposite directions. ∎  being the other of a contrasted pair: the opposite ends of the price range.• n. a person or thing that is totally different from or the reverse of someone or something else: we were opposites in temperament the literal is the opposite of the figurative.• adv. in a position facing a specified or implied subject: she was sitting almost opposite.• prep. in a position on the other side of a specific area from; facing: they sat opposite one another. ∎ fig. (of someone taking a leading part in a play or movie) in a complementary role to (another performer).DERIVATIVES: op·po·site·ly adv.op·po·site·ness n.


views updated May 23 2018

opposite Applied to the leaf arrangement in which leaves arise in pairs, one pair at each node.

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