
views updated May 14 2018

thrill / [unvoicedth]ril/ • n. a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure: the thrill of jumping out of an airplane. ∎  an experience that produces such a feeling. ∎  a wave or nervous tremor of emotion or sensation: a thrill of excitement ran through her. ∎ archaic a throb or pulsation. ∎  Med. a vibratory movement or resonance heard through a stethoscope.• v. 1. [tr.] cause (someone) to have a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure: his kiss thrilled and excited her I'm thrilled to death they were thrilled to pieces| [as adj.] (thrilling) a thrilling adventure. ∎  [intr.] experience such feeling: thrill to the magic of the world 's greatest guitarist.2. [intr.] (of an emotion or sensation) pass with a nervous tremor: the shock of alarm thrilled through her. ∎  [intr.] poetic/lit. quiver or throb.PHRASES: thrills and chills the excitement of dangerous sports or entertainments, as experienced by spectators.DERIVATIVES: thrill·ing·ly adv.


views updated May 23 2018

A. †pierce (lit. and fig.) XIII;

B. affect, be affected, with a wave of emotion XVI;

C. †hurl (a piercing weapon) XVII;

D. quiver XVIII. Metathetic var. of (dial.) thirl, OE. þȳrlian, f. þȳr(e)l perforation, hole, aperture :- *þyrhil, *þurhil, f. þurh THROUGH + -EL1. The rise of senses C and D is not clearly accounted for.
Hence sb. XVII.


views updated May 29 2018

thrill (thril) n. a vibration felt on placing the hand on the body.