Cartola (1908–1980)

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Cartola (1908–1980)

The Brazilian composer, guitarist, and singer Cartola—real name Angenor de Oliveira—is considered one of the greatest samba composers of the twentieth century. Born in Rio de Janeiro on October 11, 1908, he helped found the Mangueira samba school in 1928 and for many years was its principal composer. He experienced success as a songwriter in the 1930s, writing hits for Francisco Alves and Carmen Miranda, among others. During the 1940s Cartola disappeared from the musical scene, leading to speculation that he was dead until he was rediscovered in 1956 washing cars in Ipanema. During the 1960s he and his wife Zica ran Zicartola, a restaurant in downtown Rio that served as an important meeting place for both older samba singers and young bossa nova artists. Cartola recorded his first LP at the age of sixty-six in 1974 and made three more before his death on November 30, 1980. His many compositions include "As Rosas Não Falam," "O Sol Nascerá," "Acontece," "O Mundo é um Moinho," and "Alvorada."

See alsoAlves, Francisco; Bossa Nova; Miranda, Carmen; Music: Popular Music and Dance; Samba; Samba Schools.


Autran, Margarida. "Samba, artigo de consumo nacional." In Anos 70: Ainda sob a tempestade, ed. Adauto Novaes. Rio de Janeiro: Aeroplano, Editora Senac Rio, 2005.

Barboza da Silva, Marília T., and Arthur L. de Oliveira Filho. Cartola: Os Tempos Idos. Rio de Janeiro: FUNARTE/Instituto Nacional de Música, Divisão de Música Popular, 1983.

Marcondes, Marcos Antônio, ed. Enciclopédia da Música Brasileira: Popular, Erudita e Folclórica, 2nd edition. São Paulo: Art Editora, Publifolha, 1998.

                                   Andrew M. Connell