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right-hand·ed • adj. 1. (of a person) using the right hand more naturally than the left: the slant of the stab wounds suggested that the assailant was right-handed. ∎  (of a tool or item of equipment) made to be used with the right hand or by right-handed people: a right-handed guitar. ∎  made or done with the right hand, or in a manner natural to right-handed people: right-handed batting.2. going toward or turning to the right, in particular: ∎  (of a screw) advanced by turning clockwise. ∎  Biol. (of a spiral shell or helix) dextral. ∎  (of a racecourse) turning clockwise.• adv. with the right hand, or in a manner natural to right-handed people: Jackson bats right-handed.DERIVATIVES: right-hand·ed·ly adv.right-hand·ed·ness n.