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re·proach / riˈprōch/ • v. [tr.] address (someone) in such a way as to express disapproval or disappointment: critics of the administration reproached the president for his failure to tackle the deficiency | [with direct speech] “You know that isn't true,” he reproached her. ∎  (reproach someone with) accuse someone of: his wife reproached him with cowardice. ∎ archaic censure or rebuke (an offense).• n. the expression of disapproval or disappointment: he gave her a look of reproach | a farrago of warnings and pained reproaches. ∎  (a reproach to) a thing that makes the failings of someone or something else more apparent: his elegance is a living reproach to our slovenly habits. ∎  (Reproaches) (in the Roman Catholic Church) a set of antiphons and responses for Good Friday representing the reproaches of Jesus Christ to his people.PHRASES: above (or beyond) reproach such that no criticism can be made; perfect.DERIVATIVES: re·proach·a·ble·proach·er·proach·ing·ly adv.