double bass

views updated May 18 2018

double bass Largest stringed instrument. It has four strings tuned in fourths (E-A-D-G) and sounds one octave below the musical notation. It resembles a large violin, but has sloping shoulders (it was originally a member of the viol family). The double bass is held vertically. A bow is generally used for classical music, but the strings are usually plucked in jazz.

double bass

views updated May 09 2018

double bass (or contrabass). Largest and lowest-pitched of bowed string instruments, derived from the violone. Formerly had 3 strings but now generally has 4, usually tuned at the interval of a 4th. Compass from E just over an octave below bass stave upwards for nearly 3 octaves. Some instruments have 5 strings, extra string sounding B below bottom E. Generally an orchestral instrument, but occasionally used in chamber music and very occasionally as solo concerto instrument. Used in jazz and dance bands, mostly pizzicato.

double bass

views updated Jun 11 2018

dou·ble bass / bās/ • n. the largest and lowest-pitched instrument of the violin family, providing the bass line of the orchestral string section and also much used in jazz.