Blue Eagle Emblem

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BLUE EAGLE EMBLEM. On 20 July 1933, Hugh S. Johnson, the head of the National Recovery Administration, proclaimed the Blue Eagle emblem, a blue-colored representation of the American Indian thunderbird with outspread wings, the symbol of U.S. industrial recovery. All who accepted President Franklin D. Roosevelt's reemployment agreement or the special Code of Fair Competition could display a poster that reproduced the blue eagle with the motto "Member N.R.A. We Do Our Part." The invalidation of the compulsory code system on 5 September 1935 led to the abolition of the emblem and the prohibition of its future use as a symbol.


Brand, Donald Robert. Corporatism and the Rule of Law: A Study of the National Recovery Administration. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1988.

Himmelberg, Robert F. The Origins of the National Recovery Administration: Business, Government, and the Trade Association Issue, 1921–1933. 2d ed. New York: Fordham University Press, 1993.

Erik McKinleyEriksson/a. e.

See alsoGovernment Regulation of Business ; Great Depression ; New Deal .