Parkinson's Disease Foundation

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Parkinson's Disease Foundation

Clinician Scientist Development Awards (Postgraduate/Fellowship)
PDF International Research Grants Program (Postdoctorate/Grant)

1359 Broadway, Ste. 1509
New York, NY 10018
Ph: (212)923-4700
Fax: (212)923-4778
Free: 800-457-6676
E-mail: [email protected]

Clinician Scientist Development Awards (Postgraduate/Fellowship)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance to support three years of research training in an environment where talented young clinicians address problems in Parkinson's Disease with the most current scientific tools. Focus: Parkinson's disease. Qualif.: Applicants must hold an MD, DO, or equivalent clinical degree from an accredited institution and must have completed residency training but be less than seven years from completion of residency when funding begins. Criteria: Applicants will be evaluated by the Scientific Advisory Committee of the PDF and the Clinical Research Subcommittee of the Science Committee of the AAN based on the following criteria: ability and promise as a clinician scientist based on previous training and career plan, letters of reference and curriculum vitae; quality and nature of the training to be provide and the institutional, departmental and mentor-specific training environment; quality and originality of the research plan.

Funds Avail.: May 1. To Apply: Applicants must submit a letter of nomination; letter of intent to pursue a three-year program indicating the specific clinical focus, the proposed institution and preceptor and future goals; three-page research plan, including brief statements of aims, background, and the contemplated approaches to methodology and data; copy of current curriculum vitae; letters of reference supporting his/her potential for a clinical, academic research career, and qualifications for the fellowship; listing of the applicant's and mentor's current and pending support, other than this award, using NIH format; letter from the proposed mentor detailing his/her support of and commitment to the applicant and the proposed research and training plan, specifically indicate the mentor's role in the development and preparation of the applicant's research plan. The letter should describe: how the proposed research fits into the mentor's research program: expertise and experience in the area of research proposed and the nature of the mentor's proposed time commitment to the supervision and training of the applicant: and the mentor's prior experience in the supervision, training, and successful mentoring of clinician scientists; copy of mentor's NIH bios-ketch; document describing arrangements for formal course work to include: quantitative clinical epidemiology, biostatis-tics, study design, data analysis, and ethics. The documentation must outline: hours and content of the proposed formal instruction; availability of tutorial assistance for the research project; and computer approaches to statistical analysis at the host institution; document describing the level of interaction between the applicant and subjects in your research project. Deadline: January 15. Contact: Erin Jackson, 1080 Montreal Ave., St. Paul, MN 55116; Phone: 651-695-2704; Fax: 651-361-4804; Email: [email protected].

PDF International Research Grants Program (Postdoctorate/Grant)

Purpose: To provide financial assistance for projects of the highest scientific caliber from around the world. Focus: Parkinson's disease. Qualif.: Applicants must have completed a PhD or MD and qualified to serve as a principal investigator for the project which is basic, translational and clinical research. Criteria: Applicant's proposal will be peer-reviewed and competitively evaluated based on the quality of the research proposal and its pertinence to Parkinson's disease.

Funds Avail.: $700,000. To Apply: Applicants must submit the application package which includes: the completed PDF application form, including the signature of the applicant and the relevant institutional authority; letter of recommendation consisting the background of proposed study, specific aims, details of proposed experiment including methods, statement describing relevance of proposed studies, budget and justification, curriculum vitae and references. Deadline: February 1.

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