Buths, Julius (Emil Martin)

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Buths, Julius (Emil Martin) (b Wiesbaden, 1851; d Düsseldorf, 1920). Ger. cond. and pianist. After conducting at Elberfeld, 1879–90, moved to Düsseldorf, 1890–1908, where he became mus. dir., Lower Rhine Fest. and dir., Düsseldorf Cons. from 1902. Cond. several now famous contemporary works by, among others, Mahler, Delius, and Strauss, but most notably Elgar's Dream of Gerontius, which he trans. into Ger. and prod. at Düsseldorf in 1901 and 1902. Soloist in f.p. of Delius's pf. conc. at Elberfeld, 1904 (cond. Haym). Wrote some songs and instr. works.