Oakley, Ann

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OAKLEY, Ann. Also writes as Rosamund Clay. British, b. 1944. Genres: Anthropology/Ethnology, Sociology, Women's studies and issues, Novels, Autobiography/Memoirs. Career: London University, professor of sociology & social policy, and director, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, formerly deputy director, Thomas Coram Research Unit. Publications: NOVELS: The Men's Room, 1988; (as Rosamund Clay) Only Angels Forget, 1990; Matilda's Mistake, 1990; The Secret Lives of Eleanor Jenkinson, 1992; Scenes Originating in the Garden of Eden, 1993; A Proper Holiday, 1996. OTHER: Sex, Gender and Society, 1972; Housewife, 1974; The Sociology of Housework, 1974; Becoming a Mother, 1979; Women Confined, 1980; Subject Women, 1981; (with A. McPherson and H. Roberts) Miscarriage, 1984, rev. ed., 1990; Taking It Like a Woman, 1984; The Captured Womb, 1984; Telling the Truth about Jerusalem: Selected Essays, 1986; (with S. Houd) Helpers in Childbirth, 1990; Social Support and Motherhood, 1992; Essays on Women, Medicine and Health, 1993; (with J. Brannen, K. Dodd, and P. Storey) Young People, Health and Family Life, 1994; Man and Wife, 1996; Experiments in Knowing, 2000. EDITOR: (with J. Mitchell) The Rights and Wrongs of Women, 1976; (with J. Mitchell) What Is Feminism?, 1986; (with S. Williams) The Politics of the Welfare State, 1994; (with M. Mitchell) Who's Afraid of Feminism?, 1997; (with J. Ashton) The Gift Relationship, by R.M. Titmuss, 1997; (with J. Popay and F. Williams) Welfare Research: A Critique of Theory and Method. Address: c/o Tessa Sayle, 11 Jubilee Place, London SW3, England.