
views updated May 29 2018

311. Guidance (See also Counsel.)

  1. Analects, The emphasize human relationships, the golden rule, and usefulness to the state and society. [Chin. Lit.: The Analects of Confucius in Benét, 33]
  2. Anthony, Mr. gave guidance to supplicants on radio show. [Am. Radio: Ask Mr. Anthony in Buxton, 99]
  3. Baloo bear who teaches Mowgli jungle law. [Br. Lit.: The Jungle Books ]
  4. Dear Abby column of moral or psychological advice; syndicated since 1956. [Pop. Culture: Payton, 185]
  5. Deborah under her aegis, Barak routed the Canaanites. [O.T.: Judges 4:410]
  6. Dix, Dorothea (18701951) syndicated columnist who gave advice to the lovelorn. [Am. Pop. Culture: Misc.]
  7. Dooley, Mr . Irish saloonkeeper in Chicago who sagely and humorously dispenses folk philosophy. [Am. Humor: Hart, 240]
  8. lamp Word of God showing the way. [Christian Symbolism: O.T.: Psalms 119:105]
  9. Landers, Ann (1918) syndicated columnist who gives advice on personal problems. [Pop. Culture: Misc.]
  10. Mentor Odysseuss friend and advisor. [Gk. Lit.: Odyssey ]
  11. Ten Commandments Gods precepts for mans life. [O.T.: Exodus 20:317; Deuteronomy 5:721]


views updated Jun 11 2018

guid·ance / ˈgīdəns/ • n. 1. advice or information aimed at resolving a problem or difficulty, esp. as given by someone in authority: he looked to his father for inspiration and guidance.2. the directing of the motion or position of something, esp. a missile: a surface-to-air missile guidance system.

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